Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


nothing really wants to go my way these past few days. here's hoping things will start to look up. hurray, optimism!

Monday, October 17, 2011


is how i feel right now. life is frustrating.
i don't know how to delete this post.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sometimes I wish I could live in a Tolkien-esque fantasy world, where instead of school I would go on adventures and kill dragons and hang out with trees and stuff.

I'll eat you up-I love you so

I don't know how to blog

but I would like to say that this group of people make me very happy and should play in California.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

First post.

I don't really know what people blog about! So here is what I did today!

My original plans for today fell through (:c) but instead I had exciting adventures! I woke up and did nothing for a while. Then I did something! That something was walking to Del Taco! I had three chicken soft tacos. On the way back I thought about walking 5 miles to Haley's house! (Haley is my girlfriend! I don't really need to explain that because she is the only one who will read this! Hi Haley!) I didn't do it though because it would have been a really long walk and it was hot and I would have been all smelly and unattractive. I thought about borrowing my friend's bike, but when I texted him he decided to pretend he didn't know me. What a jerk! Oh well. People move on, and I hadn't talked to him in a while anyway. I got back to my father's home and I ate my tacos. Nobody was there but the cats and I. I have 4 cats, Kirby, Geezer, Casey, and Dexter. I hate to pick favourites, but Geezer is the best because he doesn't drool (Kirby does), isn't bipolar (Casey is), and isn't generally retarded (Dexter is). Oh my god I'm blogging about my cats. Anyway, I just realized I haven't been using paragraphs! Oh well! So I ate my tacos then did nothing for a while and decided to go to my mom's house. When I got here I scared my brother because I came in while he was outside by accident and he opened the door as I was about to open it for him. He screamed! Fun stuff. Since I've gotten here I watched one of my favourite movies (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! So good!), talked to my love-slave Adumb, and Skyped (isn't it weird how after some time a brand name becomes a verb?) with my super-mega-awesome girlfriend Haley. I'm supposed to still be Skyping (there's that verb form again!) with her but she ditched me. Oh! There she is. Oh well, I was done anyway.